Simple Tips to Accelerate Power BI's Launch Time

data analytics excel read May 14, 2024

Have you ever tried opening a Power BI report and it took a frustratingly long time to launch? You are not alone. I understand that this delay not only disrupts workflow but also impacts your overall productivity.

Various factors can contribute to slow launch times, such as the size of your Power BI file, complex data model, and hardware limitations.

However, I assure you that there are effective ways to solve these challenges.

Tips to Optimize Power BI Launch Times

While slow Power BI launch times can be frustrating, I will be discussing some solutions in the form of questions you should always ask yourself when your Power BI file starts to take longer time to launch.

1. How Large is my Power BI File? : Larger files with complex visuals and calculations will naturally take longer to open.

To address this, take a careful look at the data used in building your report and consider removing unnecessary data.

You should also consider reducing the number of visuals and optimizing data models by removing unnecessary tables, columns, and relationships to reduce complexity and improve Launch time.

2. What Power Bi Performance Tools can I employ? : Power BI offers a range of performance optimization tools that can help you identify and address issues in your reports.

You can use tools like Performance Analyzer to pinpoint areas of slow performance and optimize accordingly.

You should also consider utilizing features like query folding and data compression to minimize file size without compromising data integrity.

3. Is my System RAM affecting Power BI Launch time? : In some cases, slow Power BI launch times may be attributed to Low RAM or an overloaded processor. Investing in faster processors and additional memory (RAM) can significantly improve your Power BI launch time.

To check your system RAM, Open the Start menu of your system and go to “Settings”. Click on “System” to open it. In the right-hand pane, scroll down until you find the “Installed RAM” field.

4. What Data Sources is my Report Connecting to? : The efficiency of Power BI launch times is closely tied to the performance of underlying data sources.

If your report connects to external data sources (e.g., databases, APIs), slow data retrieval can impact file opening time. It’s important to ensure that your data sources are properly indexed, optimized, and tuned for performance.

You should consider utilizing data caching, A corrupt or full cache can slow things down. Try clearing the Power BI cache.

To clear the Cache, If it is the report itself, then go to File-Options and Settings - Options, Under Global, select Data Load, and select "Clear cache" under "Data Cache

Management Options" and select "clear cache" under "Q&A Cache Options" and select "clear cache" under "Folded Artifacts Cache Options"


5. What Power Bi elements need Maintenance and Monitoring and how often? : it’s important to regularly Implement a regular maintenance routine for your Power BI environment.

This includes monitoring system performance, identifying potential issues, and implementing timely optimizations.

You should also consider optimizing queries, refreshing datasets, and cleaning up unused resources. By keeping your environment tidy and well-maintained, you can ensure optimal performance over time.


In today's data-driven world, analyzing data efficiently is key to business success. By following these tips, users can speed up their Power BI File startup, work more efficiently, and get more work done. Whether it's making Power BI files smaller, using performance tools, upgrading hardware, refining data sources, or doing regular maintenance.