Data Discovery and Visualization: A deep dive into Power BI

data analytics excel productivity watch May 18, 2024

Unleashing the Power of Power BI: Insights from Our Latest Webinar

This webinar is an eye-opener, delving deep into the world of Power BI with the expert guidance of Toba Fasakin, a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Business Intelligence Analyst. Here’s a concise summary of the key insights and discussions.

What is Data Discovery?

Toba explained that data discovery involves uncovering insights from vast datasets. It's about making sense of millions of rows of data and transforming it into meaningful information through visualization.

Data Discovery vs. Data Visualization

The relationship between data discovery and data visualization is symbiotic. You can't effectively discover insights without visualizing data. Visualization helps in spotting patterns and trends, which are crucial for meaningful analysis.

The Analysis Process

Toba outlined the six-step process for data analysis:

  1. Getting Data: Collecting data from various sources.
  2. Cleaning and Preparing Data: Using tools like Power Query to prepare data for analysis.
  3. Performing Analysis: Creating KPIs and charts using DAX.
  4. Reporting: Presenting the analysis in reports.
  5. Presentation: Sharing insights with stakeholders.
  6. Brainstorming: Discussing findings to make informed decisions.

Interestingly, most people focus heavily on steps 1 to 3, often neglecting the crucial step 6, which is where true insights and actionable decisions come into play.

Leveraging AI in Power BI

One of the highlights was how AI can streamline the analysis process. Toba demonstrated Power BI’s Copilot feature, which helps summarize datasets, create reports, and suggest DAX queries. This AI-driven approach saves significant time, allowing analysts to focus on interpreting and acting on data insights.

Practical Demo (See the video above for Demo)

Toba showcased how to:

  • Import data into Power BI.
  • Use Copilot to generate a summary report.
  • Create visuals using AI suggestions.
  • Write and understand DAX queries with Copilot’s assistance.

This practical session emphasized that while AI can handle repetitive tasks, the analyst’s role in critical thinking and decision-making remains irreplaceable.

Writing DAX Functions with Copilot

  1. Understanding DAX in Power BI: DAX Basics: DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is essential for creating complex calculations and aggregations in Power BI. There are three main types of DAX formulas: anchor measures (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE), filter measures, and comparison/variance measures.
  2. Using Copilot for DAX: Generating DAX Queries: Copilot can assist in writing DAX functions by simply prompting it. For example, asking "Calculate total revenue" will have Copilot generate the appropriate DAX formula, such as SUM('Sales'[Revenue]). Customizing DAX: While Copilot provides a starting point, you can further refine these formulas. For instance, if Copilot’s output isn’t perfectly aligned with your data model, you can tweak the formula to ensure accuracy.
  3. Explaining DAX Queries: Query Explanation: If you're unfamiliar with a DAX function or need clarity, Copilot can explain it. Highlighting a DAX query and asking Copilot to "Explain this query" will yield a detailed breakdown of each component, helping you understand its function and application.
  4. Learning DAX with Copilot: Educational Tool: Copilot serves as a great learning aid for those new to DAX. You can ask it to list common DAX functions or explain specific functions like CALCULATE. This helps users build their DAX knowledge and understand how to apply these functions in their reports.

Practical Applications of Copilot

  1. Real-Time Reporting: Efficiency Gains: By using Copilot, you can dramatically reduce the time spent on routine data tasks. Toba demonstrated creating a detailed report in minutes—a task that might typically take hours.
  2. Accuracy and Consistency: Automated Precision: Copilot ensures that your initial calculations and visualizations are consistent, allowing you to focus on refining and interpreting the data rather than getting bogged down in the initial setup.
  3. Enhanced Learning: On-the-Job Training: As you use Copilot to assist with DAX and report generation, you simultaneously learn best practices and efficient techniques, enhancing your overall data analysis skills.

Addressing Common Questions

  • Data Cleaning with AI: Currently, Copilot assists minimally with data cleaning, but improvements are expected.
  • Power BI Subscription: Participants were directed to resources for understanding different subscription options.
  • AI’s Role: AI is here to assist, not replace analysts. The focus should shift to interpreting data and making strategic decisions.


The webinar underscored the importance of integrating AI tools like Copilot in Power BI to enhance efficiency. However, the analyst’s expertise in interpreting data and deriving actionable insights remains paramount. Keep evolving with these tools, but remember, critical thinking cannot be automated.

Stay tuned for more webinars and keep harnessing the power of data!